NXiL: (In Exile) This world is not my home. This is the interweb home of the creative works of Adam White.

My personal podcast, a brief dive into my thoughts and reflections.

Anti-social Media

I hate what social media has done to the internet and to humanity. But I also like to make stuff.

Already Deconstructed

Already Deconstructed

In the unraveling tapestry of "church," the phrase "deconstructing my faith" often signals a departure from tradition, a contortion of theological beliefs to align with contemporary ethics or prevailing social currents. Invariably, this journey culminates in the...

What is the point of Jonah?

What is the point of Jonah?

Every time I approach the book of Jonah in the bible I am conflicted with trying to wrap my mind around the very existence of this book. My first perplexing thought is, who wrote this book? Because if Jonah wrote this book, he did so in a very fatalistic and self...

What does it mean to be lost?

What does it mean to be lost?

2024 is an election year. Politics will be talked about a lot. I enjoy reading about and following politics a little. I am a big fan of discussing ideas and considering the philosophy of thought about leading a nation. At the same time, I am also a believer that it’s...