The Coming Shabbat

The Coming Shabbat

Since the creation of man there has been a pattern to our lives, outlined by our Creator God, for how we break up time. God created our environment and everything that sustains us for life in six days, and then He rested. He didn’t rest because he was tired. He...
What is a “Generation”

What is a “Generation”

When I was growing up, people referred in the news media to “Gen-X” as the next generation. Knowing marketing, I understand that the term “Baby Boomer” was simply a way of defining a target demographic. The idea behind labeling a group of...

I love people for selfish reasons. It’s not simply that people need or deserve love, which is true, but even when they don’t appear to deserve it, I chose to love them anyway, and here is why. Because it’s about me. It’s about who I want to be.

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Refreshing & Restarting

Refreshing & Restarting

Every once and a while, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate everything. I don’t know how you feel about living room furniture positions, but I re-arrange my home furniture about once a year. It doesn’t matter if I feel like I have found a very functional...
The AI revolution

The AI revolution

Life has been a wild ride. I haven’t been writng as much as I would have hoped. I have been super productive though. Probably the biggest distraction for me right now is AI generated artwork. I have access to a few different AI technologies and I have been...